Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Politico Takes the Low Road, Again

The petty gossip, distortions and massive junk about Sarah Palin coming from the so called "book" scratched together by Frank Bailey and the Devon mud dweller is being lapped up by the compliant and parrot-like media. No offense to the parrots of the world. But there isn't any question that when it comes to anything with Palin's name attached, these scribes flock together and mindlessly repeat each other. I imagine them sitting in their chairs, perching I should say, waiting to join in the next repeating. Politico, which positions iself as a reputable bunch of birds, is one of the worst offenders when it comes to Palin and repeating. These boys preen themselves every day on Palin gossip. The main preeners swooping down to peck up every grain of stuff in the mud and attach it to 56 point headlines are Andy Barr and Jonathan Martin with Ben Smith hot on their trail, or tail. If these boys spent as much time repeating trash about Romney, Huckabee or even Gingrich well then they would be pecking equally. But the boys at Politico nod off when it comes to the other guys but really relish repeating everything about Palin and casting it in a negative light.  These boys at Politico stick together and they don't play nice when it comes to that Palin woman.  The latest mud slamming foray comes as they flop around in Bailey and Devon's puddles. They swoop in like vultures drawn to flesh and they feed on it. The Politico boys repeat and promote the fantasy that Palin has bad layers they are pecking away
. When the reported leaker of the Bailey-Devin babblescript, old stalker Joe spreads his droppings about Palin, well we just know the Politico trio of Martin, Barr and Smith will gobble them up and parrot them. Boys will be boys but these bully boys are not professional journalists and they put the parrots of the natural world to shame.

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