Wednesday, September 8, 2010

And then there was Megan McCain

Oh that Megan McCain, you gotta feel sorry for her. This poor little rich girl who spent most of her dad's presidental campaign blogging about life on the campaign trail, now tells us how she cried and cried when she learned Sarah Palin was her dad's VP nominee. Gee, Megan was so upset. I mean she just didn't know  anything about this Palin. It was all so scary and confusing to her. She became a basketcase. She didn't even meet Palin until they took the stage in Ohio together. I mean, she was frantic. This unknow woman might do or say some wacky thing. Now this story sounds dramatic and all but it also points out that Megan might not be too smart or maybe she was hysterical because she was hoping for a different VP selection. I mean here is internet savvy Megan just breaking out in a sweat over the Palin selection because she knows nothing about her. Come on. Way before Palin was ever selected, when she was a longshot possibility, some of us went on the internet and read about her, her record, her accomplishments, watched videos of her speeches and so on. Tell me I knew more than Megan and I knew it before her! Ok, I don't buy it. When Megan heard that scary unknown from the last frontier had been selected, why didn't she get on her fabulous laptop and google search Sarah Palin? Why didn't she inform herself before the selection? Now I'm only saying that a week or so ago, when asked, Megan said she didn't know who she would support in the 2012 campaign. Then this week she came out in the open and told us what we already surmised, she's a Romney girl. I wonder if she was a Romney girl in 2008? Just wondering. Megan, when you don't know who someone is, google.

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