Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bits and Pieces and Megan McCain again

I'm not wondering about Megan McCain. She reveals herself in an unflattering way when she writes in her book of being upset at not being able to use the F-word around Piper Palin. She reveals more of her self when she implies a campaign is not a place for children. Here is a person with the best of educations, wealth in her family that is akin to Midas and according to her she fits in well in all the best places but she lacks something called knowing the world does not revolve around her. She lacks class. As Megan is scheduled for an appearance, or two, on the good old Joy Behar Show, no joy there, expect more slams and digs at the Palins. Where ever she goes, Megan takes her snipy view of life and dark clouds with her.
Then we have the frothy Chris Matthews, host of the MSNBC Democratic Party show, who has lost all crediblity as an impartial journalist. His latest raving is so out of this world as he tries to imply Sarah Palin does not come out strong against the Koran burning pastor so she must tacitly support him. Matthews should clearly label his show for what it is, propaganda.

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