Sunday, September 5, 2010

Oh the wonderful AP

It must have been a slow day in AP land. Well really a slow two days. Beginning on Sept. 4 and carrying over into Sept. 5, breathlessly and in expanded form, AP told the world that Joe McGinnis, you remember him as the Palin stalker, was slinking (my description) back to his lower 48 sink hole to sling together another tell it all about Palin. Here's the bad thing for Joe and the good thing for Palin supporters, there isn't much left to throw at Palin. Joe you're just a little too late. Your account of life over the fence, has already been told over and over again and frankly we're getting just a little tired of all this recast much ado about nothing stuff. Not content to just keep us updated on McGinnis's travel plans, AP lets McGinnis prattle on and on about the bad Palin and how everyone in Alaska is scared of her and how he is such a nice guy who really never meant to do harm to anyone and got badly treated by that rude Todd Palin and only rented the house next to the Palin's because the rent was low and he would never look over or under the fence. Of course not. Does anyone really think Joe is the type of guy to look under a fence? Besides anyone who wants to see the Palin house can just sit in a boat in Lake Lucille, old Joe says. I'm sure he knows. AP just lets him prattle on about folks offering him guns and stuff to protect himself. This guy gets more news space than Hillary Clinton. I guess AP is promoting the upcoming McGinnis hatchet job on Palin which they will quote in even more expanded form. Here is a clear link between two members of the chain gang in their belief when it comes to Palin anything can be alleged. The AP prints the latest allegations and McGinnis's incredible defense of his indefensible behavior and gives big headlines and news space to it. When it comes to Palin every day seems to be a slow day at the AP and few things are too low or ridiculous to print. Checking the facts and giving both sides, well that's what journalism used to be.

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